Sunday, November 29, 2009

Fiddler on the Roof - Audition Information

Copies of this form will be available at auditions, but you may take the time to print and fill this out ahead of time if you wish.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hours Form

Bookmark this page!

All hours forms must be signed by our director or an officer, and given to Scott Cope.
***You need a total of 10 hours to attend Tommies!!!***

Fiddler on the Roof - Scene Breakdown

Monday, November 23, 2009

T-Shirt and Poster Design

If you're artistic, and would like to submit a design for the Fiddler on the Roof t-shirts and posters, please submit the design to Ms. Grinold or a drama club officer by Friday, December 4th. Please see Ms. Grinold or an officer with any questions - we look forward to seeing your wonderful designs! :)

Plus... if you submit the winning design, your design will be featured on everybody's show t-shirts, the show posters, and on the sandwich boards around town!

And you may receive a small prize for your time and effort. :)

Fiddler on the Roof - Information

There will be a showing of Fiddler on the Roof (the movie) after school tomorrow (Tuesday November 24th) in the Auditorium.

Auditions will be November 30th and December 1st after school in the chorus room/auditorium. If you need to leave early, please let Ms. Grinold and Dr. Nash know so arrangements can be made so you may audition sooner rather than later that day.

Callbacks will be posted on the drama club wall on Wednesday morning (December 2nd) and they will be held after school in the chorus room/auditorium on December 2nd and 3rd.

The Cast List will be posted on Friday, December 4th. On this day, our first full cast rehearsal will be held after school in the chorus room/auditorium.

Sweatshirts Have Arrived!

If you ordered a drama club sweatshirt earlier this year and have not yet picked yours up, please see Ms. Grinold in the English workroom. (They're pretty spiffy!)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Miracle of Miracles

Fiddler On The Roof is headed this way!!! Auditions are just around the corner and to help prepare we have a special informational meeting regarding the show, the auditions and much more on Monday the 23rd after school in the Chorus Room. If you do not attend this meeting it does not mean you can not audition, but there will be information given regarding audition material and sheet music for songs.

Please come join us if you are even interested in auditioning or just curious about the show.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Misanthrope

This year's fall production is titled The Misanthrope. It is a comedy by Molière.

The show dates are Friday the 13th, Saturday the 14th, Friday the 20th, and Saturday the 21st.

It is a 7:00 PM curtain.

Tickets are $5 for students, $7 for seniors, and $12 for adults.

It is in the GHS auditorium.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Rehearsal Cancelled 11/05/09

Rehearsal for Thursday, November 5th, has been cancelled. Why, you ask? Simply because Mr. Nicastro loves us all so very much, and felt we needed to be rewarded for all of our hard work. :)

It's also kinda sorta because we have to hang lights. So, yeah.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Election Day Rehearsal

There will be a rehearsal on Election day from 5:30 to 8:00 PM. Please contact Mr. Nicastro if you have reason that is legitimate (or otherwise) as to why you will not be able to attend this rehearsal.

Set Painting Required!!!

Thank you to the few of you that helped out this weekend with the various set painting sessions. It would be appreciated if more of you could put in this kind of effort, so things can be accomplished sooner. Please bring paint clothes for tomorrow, as everyone WILL be painting when they are not required to be on stage. Garbage bags will be available for anyone who does not have paint clothes - don't worry. :)