Brent Lorraine (ladies and gentlemen...) has requested that every member of the cast turn in a Who's-Who to him via email at as soon as possible.
It feels like it's early in the show to begin this, but let's look at it this way:
The sooner you hand in your Who's-Who, the sooner Brent will stop nagging at you to do so. :)
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Fiddler on the Roof - Audition Information
Copies of this form will be available at auditions, but you may take the time to print and fill this out ahead of time if you wish.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Hours Form
Monday, November 23, 2009
T-Shirt and Poster Design
If you're artistic, and would like to submit a design for the Fiddler on the Roof t-shirts and posters, please submit the design to Ms. Grinold or a drama club officer by Friday, December 4th. Please see Ms. Grinold or an officer with any questions - we look forward to seeing your wonderful designs! :)
Plus... if you submit the winning design, your design will be featured on everybody's show t-shirts, the show posters, and on the sandwich boards around town!
And you may receive a small prize for your time and effort. :)
Plus... if you submit the winning design, your design will be featured on everybody's show t-shirts, the show posters, and on the sandwich boards around town!
And you may receive a small prize for your time and effort. :)
Fiddler on the Roof - Information
There will be a showing of Fiddler on the Roof (the movie) after school tomorrow (Tuesday November 24th) in the Auditorium.
Auditions will be November 30th and December 1st after school in the chorus room/auditorium. If you need to leave early, please let Ms. Grinold and Dr. Nash know so arrangements can be made so you may audition sooner rather than later that day.
Callbacks will be posted on the drama club wall on Wednesday morning (December 2nd) and they will be held after school in the chorus room/auditorium on December 2nd and 3rd.
The Cast List will be posted on Friday, December 4th. On this day, our first full cast rehearsal will be held after school in the chorus room/auditorium.
Auditions will be November 30th and December 1st after school in the chorus room/auditorium. If you need to leave early, please let Ms. Grinold and Dr. Nash know so arrangements can be made so you may audition sooner rather than later that day.
Callbacks will be posted on the drama club wall on Wednesday morning (December 2nd) and they will be held after school in the chorus room/auditorium on December 2nd and 3rd.
The Cast List will be posted on Friday, December 4th. On this day, our first full cast rehearsal will be held after school in the chorus room/auditorium.
Sweatshirts Have Arrived!
If you ordered a drama club sweatshirt earlier this year and have not yet picked yours up, please see Ms. Grinold in the English workroom. (They're pretty spiffy!)
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Miracle of Miracles
Fiddler On The Roof is headed this way!!! Auditions are just around the corner and to help prepare we have a special informational meeting regarding the show, the auditions and much more on Monday the 23rd after school in the Chorus Room. If you do not attend this meeting it does not mean you can not audition, but there will be information given regarding audition material and sheet music for songs.
Please come join us if you are even interested in auditioning or just curious about the show.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The Misanthrope
This year's fall production is titled The Misanthrope. It is a comedy by Molière.
The show dates are Friday the 13th, Saturday the 14th, Friday the 20th, and Saturday the 21st.
It is a 7:00 PM curtain.
Tickets are $5 for students, $7 for seniors, and $12 for adults.
It is in the GHS auditorium.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Rehearsal Cancelled 11/05/09
Rehearsal for Thursday, November 5th, has been cancelled. Why, you ask? Simply because Mr. Nicastro loves us all so very much, and felt we needed to be rewarded for all of our hard work. :)
It's also kinda sorta because we have to hang lights. So, yeah.
It's also kinda sorta because we have to hang lights. So, yeah.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Election Day Rehearsal
There will be a rehearsal on Election day from 5:30 to 8:00 PM. Please contact Mr. Nicastro if you have reason that is legitimate (or otherwise) as to why you will not be able to attend this rehearsal.
Set Painting Required!!!
Thank you to the few of you that helped out this weekend with the various set painting sessions. It would be appreciated if more of you could put in this kind of effort, so things can be accomplished sooner. Please bring paint clothes for tomorrow, as everyone WILL be painting when they are not required to be on stage. Garbage bags will be available for anyone who does not have paint clothes - don't worry. :)
Friday, October 30, 2009
Production Week Dinner Schedule
Since Drama Club loves to eat, why not feed it?! Since rehearsals will be from 3:00 PM to 10:00 PM during "Hell Week", we are trying to set up a dinner schedule. If you would like to volunteer your parents to drive food (pizza, sandwiches, etc.) to the cast after school, please let Kristen know.
Saturday Set Painting - Part Two!
Once again, all you artists and non-artists, please remember to come to a set painting day, tomorrow at 9:00 AM. Remember, you get beloved hours! Please pick up an hours sheet in the main office and have an officer sign it if you worked at the painting day.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The Misanthrope Ad Forms!!!
Print some out, sell at least 5 ads, and get them to Tori by October 29th so Brent can do our lovely playbill. Turn them in to Tori as you receive them; it's okay to turn in 1 at a time - let's all pitch in to make Tori's and Brent's lives easier. Remember, the first one to turn in all 5 of their ads will receive a prize!!! :)
2010 – 2011 Classes
I know it’s early to be thinking about next year already, but I’d like to spread the word about two classes that most people don’t know GHS offers.
#1. Theatre Design: includes set design, painting, puppetry, basic lighting and sound
#2. Drama 2: a continuation of Drama 1, but goes into more directorial detail, rather than acting
#3. Lighting and Sound Design: great for actors as well as techies!
#4. Shakespeare: will even give you English credit - you get to ACT for credit!!!
Just something to think about!
#1. Theatre Design: includes set design, painting, puppetry, basic lighting and sound
#2. Drama 2: a continuation of Drama 1, but goes into more directorial detail, rather than acting
#3. Lighting and Sound Design: great for actors as well as techies!
#4. Shakespeare: will even give you English credit - you get to ACT for credit!!!
Just something to think about!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Saturday Set Painting!
This Saturday morning at 7:30, there will be set painting backstage. Please wear clothes that you won't mind being ruined with paint. Remember, this is a chance to earn precious hours! Please sign up on the Drama Club Wall if you will be available for either painting or construction this Saturday morning. :)
Extra, Extra! Attention Extras!
This is just a reminder that from this week onwards, every rehearsal will be a full-cast rehearsal. If you are in The Misanthrope, please plan on attending these rehearsals as posted below on this website, and on the Drama Club Wall.
You must come to rehearsals by Monday, October 26th at 5:30 PM or we cannot put you in the show. Please see Mr. Nicastro in the English Workroom if you have any questions. :)
You must come to rehearsals by Monday, October 26th at 5:30 PM or we cannot put you in the show. Please see Mr. Nicastro in the English Workroom if you have any questions. :)
Monday, October 19, 2009
Button, Button, Who Wants to Buy a Button?
We have buttons. Yay!
Red or White with Drama Club Logo Button
Misanthrope Advertisement Button
$1 each :)
Red or White with Drama Club Logo Button
Misanthrope Advertisement Button
$1 each :)
Just a reminder... If you haven't turned in your Who's-Who yet, PLEASE do so. Please turn them in by this Thursday, by emailing them to Brent. :)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Tomorrow's Rehearsal
Please note that tomorrow's rehearsal shall take place from 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm, rather than 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm (as listed on the drama club wall).
We will begin set-painting tomorrow, so please make sure you have "paint clothes" that you don't mind being ruined :)
We will begin set-painting tomorrow, so please make sure you have "paint clothes" that you don't mind being ruined :)
Please do not forget that your "Who's-Who" blurb about yourself is due on Thursday, October 22nd. - Just a few sentences about your role in this play, and your previous roles within the drama club - Have fun with it! :)
You can hand this to me personally, or email it to me at :)
You can hand this to me personally, or email it to me at :)
The Misanthrope T-Shirts
If you are at all involved in the production of The Misanthrope, and would like a t-shirt... (they're awesome, and great advertising during the week before opening night!) Please note that T-Shirt Order Forms will be available in the main office by Monday morning. They will also be available at Friday's (tomorrow's!) rehearsal, and at Apple Fest.
T-Shirt Order Forms will be due to Ms. Grinold in the English Workroom by next Thursday, October 22nd.
T-Shirt Order Forms will be due to Ms. Grinold in the English Workroom by next Thursday, October 22nd.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Set Painting Updates!
Mr. Thorn, our set builder, will begin set painting on Sunday morning. He would appreciate some extra hands - especially some very artsy ones! Please email Tori Wohler if you are available on Sunday. This will, of course, get you precious hours! :)
Tech for Hello Dolly!
Calling all techies interested in helping with the Youth and Family Services Fall Production of Hello Dolly! They are short-staffed this year, and have asked GHS to help tech their show. This is open to anyone interested, even if you have no training. Please email Kristen right away if you are interested.
Even More Apple Fest Updates
APPLE FEST - Workers
Anyone who is working at the booth this weekend, please arrive on time. The booth is located near the stage, “where we belong” :)
If you are somewhat capable of making anything edible, please consider dropping off a plate of cookies, brownies, etc. to the booth sometime this weekend. You get a ½ hour for each plate of goodies you bring. Please make sure they are individually wrapped, labeled with ingredients and noted if they contain nuts.
Anyone who is working at the booth this weekend, please arrive on time. The booth is located near the stage, “where we belong” :)
If you are somewhat capable of making anything edible, please consider dropping off a plate of cookies, brownies, etc. to the booth sometime this weekend. You get a ½ hour for each plate of goodies you bring. Please make sure they are individually wrapped, labeled with ingredients and noted if they contain nuts.
Order Forms
Everyone, please turn in your GHS Drama Club Sweatshirt Order Forms by the 19th. The 19th is the Monday after Apple Fest. Apple Fest is this weekend. Please get your order forms in soon. :)
Also, please keep an eye out for The Misanthrope T-shirts Order Forms to be available in the main office (and at rehearsal) by the end of this week. They will be due by the middle/end of next week.
Also, please keep an eye out for The Misanthrope T-shirts Order Forms to be available in the main office (and at rehearsal) by the end of this week. They will be due by the middle/end of next week.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Art Siblings
Emily Gauthier is running a mentoring program for Gideon and Smith drama clubbers. If you're interested in helping with this program, please attend the informational meeting on Friday, right after school in the auditorium. :)
Sweatshirt Order Forms Reminder!
Wow, it's getting cold out.
You're right, it is.
If only I had a GHS Drama Club Sweatshirt...
Wow, that sounds like a good idea! You should go to the main office and pick up a GHS Drama Club Sweatshirt Order Form!
How will I know what it looks like?
A sample is posted on the Drama Club wall.
Okay... so what do I do after I fill out the order form and attach a check for either $35 (or $38 if I get my name on the left sleeve)?
You will take your check and order form to Ms. Grinold in the English Workroom.
Yes, and I will hand it to her personally, instead of leaving it on her desk where it could potentially mysteriously disappear.
Good thinking! :)
You're right, it is.
If only I had a GHS Drama Club Sweatshirt...
Wow, that sounds like a good idea! You should go to the main office and pick up a GHS Drama Club Sweatshirt Order Form!
How will I know what it looks like?
A sample is posted on the Drama Club wall.
Okay... so what do I do after I fill out the order form and attach a check for either $35 (or $38 if I get my name on the left sleeve)?
You will take your check and order form to Ms. Grinold in the English Workroom.
Yes, and I will hand it to her personally, instead of leaving it on her desk where it could potentially mysteriously disappear.
Good thinking! :)
Attention Extras!
If you are cast as an extra in The Misanthrope, please try to attend the rehearsal this Friday from 3:oo pm to 5:00 pm. Katie needs to get your costume measurements, so she would appreciate it if you could be there. :)
The more full-cast rehearsals you attend, the more opportunities you will have to be on stage as a waiter, waitress, chef, bartender, or patron in the restaurant. (It'll be a lot of fun!)
The more full-cast rehearsals you attend, the more opportunities you will have to be on stage as a waiter, waitress, chef, bartender, or patron in the restaurant. (It'll be a lot of fun!)
Set Painting
Are you artsy? Know someone who is? Spread the word - we'll take all the help we can get for designing and painting the set for The Misanthrope. Don't forget, set painting is a great way to get valuable hours for Tommies!
There will be a paint crew meeting sometime next week, so keep listening to announcements for the exact date and time. Meanwhile, make sure you have some old clothes that you won't mind being ruined with paint.
It may be a good idea to keep some "paint clothes" in your locker at all times, so you can be ready when the time comes to begin set painting - you don't want to miss out on getting hours just because you didn't have the proper attire to wear while set painting!
There will be a paint crew meeting sometime next week, so keep listening to announcements for the exact date and time. Meanwhile, make sure you have some old clothes that you won't mind being ruined with paint.
It may be a good idea to keep some "paint clothes" in your locker at all times, so you can be ready when the time comes to begin set painting - you don't want to miss out on getting hours just because you didn't have the proper attire to wear while set painting!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Sweatshirt Order Forms!
Would YOU like a personalized GHS Drama Club Sweatshirt?!
If so, please pick up an order form available in the main office. A sample is posted on the Drama Club wall so you know what to look for. Sweatshirts are $35, or $38 if you would like it personalized with your name on the sleeve.
Juuust in time for the cold season. Lovely. :)
If so, please pick up an order form available in the main office. A sample is posted on the Drama Club wall so you know what to look for. Sweatshirts are $35, or $38 if you would like it personalized with your name on the sleeve.
Juuust in time for the cold season. Lovely. :)
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
More Apple Fest Updates
There are a few remaining spots on the sign-up sheet. If you have not already signed up, please consider it. Remember, it gives you precious hours! :) Those of you who have already signed up, you will be receiving a confirmation email sometime in the next week.
If your parents are going to be walking around during Apple Fest already, why not have them volunteer for Drama Club?! We just need parents to have a cell phone on them in case of an emergency. They don't need to sit at the booth or anything else. It's getting close to Apple Fest weekend, and we really need volunteers. If your parents are interested, have them email Kristen from their own email address with their contact number and preferred time.
There are a few remaining spots on the sign-up sheet. If you have not already signed up, please consider it. Remember, it gives you precious hours! :) Those of you who have already signed up, you will be receiving a confirmation email sometime in the next week.
If your parents are going to be walking around during Apple Fest already, why not have them volunteer for Drama Club?! We just need parents to have a cell phone on them in case of an emergency. They don't need to sit at the booth or anything else. It's getting close to Apple Fest weekend, and we really need volunteers. If your parents are interested, have them email Kristen from their own email address with their contact number and preferred time.
Arts Collaborative
The Arts Collaborative is a student-run show featuring music, poetry readings, dances, etc. There will be an informational/planning meeting this Friday, from 2:15 pm to 3:00 pm in the auditorium. Anyone who is interesting in being in or helping with the show should plan on attending this meeting. Please see Ms. Grinold in the English workroom if you have any questions.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Drama Club Sweatshirts
Drama Club sweatshirt order forms shall SOON be available in the main office. They will be approximately $35-$40, and you will have the option to get your sweatshirt personalized for a small additional fee. Spread the word, keep listening to announcements and check the drama club wall and this website for more information :)
Apple Fest Updates
- A new sign-up sheet for Apple Fest booth shifts will be posted on the drama club wall. Until further notice, please sign up only once, so everyone has a chance to get hours by working at the booth.
- A big thanks to Tori (a.k.a. Baby Money Bags) for supplying us with a tent for our Apple Fest booth. Yay :)
- Please take note that the first shifts of each day of the Apple Fest are from 10 am to 11 am.
- Working a shift at the drama club booth at the Apple Fest requires you to stay at the booth for the full duration of the shift.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Apple Fest Sign-ups!
Yes, it's that time of year again! Every year, the drama club sets up a booth at the Apple Fest to sell fall show tickets. We're looking for people to work two hour shifts on Saturday, October 17th, and Sunday, October 18th. If you would like to sign up for a shift, you may sign up on the sign-up sheet posted on the drama club wall.
- Please, only sign up for one shift for now, so everyone has a chance to help out and receive drama club hours that count towards Tommies.
- Freshmen and Seniors, please try to sign up for a Saturday morning shift, as most Sophomores and Juniors will be taking the lovely PSAT's.
- If anyone has a tent that the club can borrow for the festival, please let Kristen know. We have a tent now, thanks Tori :)
- Shifts: Saturday and Sunday - 10 am to 11 am, 11 am to 1 pm, 1 pm to 3 pm, 3 pm to 5 pm
Parents - We are looking for parent chaperones who will be at the Apple Fest.
- They don't have to stay at the booth, but they have to have their cell phone on them in case of an emergency.
- If your parent is interested in helping, please have them email Kristen from their own email address, with a contact number and preferred shift.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The Misanthrope - Rehearsal Schedule Update 9/16/09
The updated list of September, October, and November rehearsals for The Misanthrope has been posted below :)
Friday, September 11, 2009
The Misanthrope - Rehearsal Schedule Update 9/11/09
The September rehearsal schedule for The Misanthrope has been updated with a listing of which "Acts" are required to come to each rehearsal. You may view it by scrolling down. :)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
The Misanthrope - Freshmen Auditions
Attention all aspiring drama clubbers of class 2013 - Freshmen auditions for The Misanthrope will be held after school in the faculty dining room on Wednesday, September 9th. We hope you join us! :)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The Misanthrope - First Rehearsal
On Tuesday, September 8th, we will have a full cast read-through of The Misanthrope in the auditorium at 5:00 pm. Please bring your script and arrive promptly so we can get started as soon as possible! :)
Sunday, August 30, 2009
The Drama Club - Full Meeting
All current and aspiring Drama Club members, please join us after school in the auditorium on Friday, September 4th, for an informational and introductory meeting. Hope to see you there! :)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The Misanthrope - Cast Listing
The upcoming Drama Club production (Fall 2009) is a play called The Misanthrope by Molière. We are in need of a backstage crew for the fall show, so please contact Mr. Nicastro if you are interested!
The Cast of The Misanthrope
Célimène: Jacelyn Szkrybalo u/s Lizzy Haggerty
Alceste: Scott Cope
Éliante: Wendy Brown u/s Laura Cryan
Philinte: Eli Mann u/s Brent Lorraine
Arsinoé: Tori Farley u/s Lenora Turcotte
Oronte: Matt Roser
Dubois: Emmeline Mysliwiec u/s Josh Marzano
Acaste: Brian Brewer u/s Holly Lavigne
Clitandre: Jay Arsenault u/s Alicia Garten
Basque: Laura Cryan u/s Alicia Garten
Guard: Brent Lorraine
Alceste: Scott Cope
Éliante: Wendy Brown u/s Laura Cryan
Philinte: Eli Mann u/s Brent Lorraine
Arsinoé: Tori Farley u/s Lenora Turcotte
Oronte: Matt Roser
Dubois: Emmeline Mysliwiec u/s Josh Marzano
Acaste: Brian Brewer u/s Holly Lavigne
Clitandre: Jay Arsenault u/s Alicia Garten
Basque: Laura Cryan u/s Alicia Garten
Guard: Brent Lorraine
Meet The Officers
And your Drama Club Officers for 2009-2010 are...
Emily Gauthier - President
(A.K.A. Madame Prez)
Kristen Ambrose - Secretary
(A.K.A. Sassy Pants)
Laura Cryan - Vice President of Publicity
(A.K.A. Thing 2 who is in no way inferior to Thing 1)
Matt Roser - Vice President of Publicity
(A.K.A. Thing 1 the Aberecrombie model)
Gabby Munns - Vice President of Hours
(A.K.A. The girl who gets stuff done)
Tori Wohler - Treasurer
(A.K.A. Baby Money Bags)
Please see any of us, or Mr. Marshall if you have any questions or comments regarding the Drama Club. :)
Emily Gauthier - President
(A.K.A. Madame Prez)
Kristen Ambrose - Secretary
(A.K.A. Sassy Pants)
Laura Cryan - Vice President of Publicity
(A.K.A. Thing 2 who is in no way inferior to Thing 1)
Matt Roser - Vice President of Publicity
(A.K.A. Thing 1 the Aberecrombie model)
Gabby Munns - Vice President of Hours
(A.K.A. The girl who gets stuff done)
Tori Wohler - Treasurer
(A.K.A. Baby Money Bags)
Please see any of us, or Mr. Marshall if you have any questions or comments regarding the Drama Club. :)
The GHS Drama Club Mission Statement
"The Drama Club is a collection of students that promotes and presents the Arts in various forms. We provide on-stage and off-stage opportunities for GHS students to express themselves. We encourage and welcome all skill levels into our dedicated and energetic community of performers, techies, musicians and art connoisseurs alike."
Sunday, February 1, 2009
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