Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Meet The Officers

And your Drama Club Officers for 2009-2010 are...

Emily Gauthier - President
(A.K.A. Madame Prez)

Kristen Ambrose - Secretary
(A.K.A. Sassy Pants)

Laura Cryan - Vice President of Publicity
(A.K.A. Thing 2 who is in no way inferior to Thing 1)

Matt Roser - Vice President of Publicity
(A.K.A. Thing 1 the Aberecrombie model)

Gabby Munns - Vice President of Hours
(A.K.A. The girl who gets stuff done)

Tori Wohler - Treasurer
(A.K.A. Baby Money Bags)

Please see any of us, or Mr. Marshall if you have any questions or comments regarding the Drama Club. :)

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