Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Week of Kindness

Here's an update on our school's Week of Kindness, May 17th-21st.

-Through out the week we will be making morning announcements about kindness.

-On Monday, the 17th: we will be putting up sticky notes with nice messages on lockers in the A Wing.

-On Tuesday, the 18th: we will be taking down and cleaning up all of the notes.

-On Wednesday, the 19th: we will be passing out "act of kindness" cards in the morning at the Drama Club wall.

-On Friday, the 21st: during lunch periods 3-7, the back wing of the cafeteria will be closed off. You can only get in to it if you sit at a different table and meet new people.

Here's what you can do:
-Sign up at the Drama Club wall to either make an announcement, put up the sticky notes, or take them down. (Did I mention you get HOURS?!)
-Come Wednesday morning to get your "act of kindness" card.
-Participate in the "meet new friends" lunch.

Hope you can help us make this week a success!!

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