Monday, May 31, 2010


You have been cordially invited...

WHO: all drama clubbers, actors, dancers, techies, set painters, set builders, and club/show advisors
WHAT: This year's end-of-the-year GHS Drama Club celebration - TOMMIES 2010!
WHERE: Faculty Dining Room
WHEN: Thursday, June 3rd
TIME: 2:30 pm to 7:00 pm
WHY: We'll be honoring our graduating seniors with a chill party full of memories, food, and all types of Drama Club fun!!

Please go to Ms. G in the English Workroom to buy your ticket for $5.
Also, DVD's of the Fiddler Speed-thru and Opening Night video are available from Ms. G in the English Workroom for $5.

You don't want to miss out... (You might get an award!)

The theme is Fun in the Sun, regardless of the weather.
Bring your flippy-floppies and hula skirts - this is gonna be fun :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tommies, Hours, Arts Collab., Fudge, Kites, and Pie

Hey Drama Clubbers!

Happy National Nutty Fudge Day and Kite Day! So eat some fudge while flying a kite...I guess?

There will be a meeting for ARTS COLLABORATIVE afterschool next Friday, the 21st in Ms. Grinold's room. Please join us!

As Tommies approaches, you may be wondering, do I have enough HOURS to attend? Gabby Munns will be posting the updated list very shortly. If you have any questions, please email Gabby.

If you were in one show, you need 5 hours. If you were in two, you need 10. If you still haven't reached the requirement, you can:
(1) make a poster for Kindness Week, please email me if you are interested
(2) bring food to Tommies (date TBD)

Enjoy National Apple Pie Day tomorrow!