Monday, May 31, 2010


You have been cordially invited...

WHO: all drama clubbers, actors, dancers, techies, set painters, set builders, and club/show advisors
WHAT: This year's end-of-the-year GHS Drama Club celebration - TOMMIES 2010!
WHERE: Faculty Dining Room
WHEN: Thursday, June 3rd
TIME: 2:30 pm to 7:00 pm
WHY: We'll be honoring our graduating seniors with a chill party full of memories, food, and all types of Drama Club fun!!

Please go to Ms. G in the English Workroom to buy your ticket for $5.
Also, DVD's of the Fiddler Speed-thru and Opening Night video are available from Ms. G in the English Workroom for $5.

You don't want to miss out... (You might get an award!)

The theme is Fun in the Sun, regardless of the weather.
Bring your flippy-floppies and hula skirts - this is gonna be fun :)

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