Saturday, December 4, 2010

Hairspray Auditions!

Hey everyone!
I'm sure you're all extremely excited/anxious/nervous for auditions on Monday, so here are a few quick reminders:
  • Pick a song to sing that you think suits your voice the best. It does not have to be a song that is sung by a character as which you would like to be cast. For example, if you want to sing "Ladies' Choice" for your audition, we will consider you for all roles, not just for that of Link Larkin.
  • You will be asked to fill out an audition profile form at Monday's rehearsal. If you would like to take some time to do that this weekend, you may print the form off of this website by clicking the button at the top of this page, "Hairspray Audition Forms."
  • Most importantly (and we really mean this), have fun! If you're having fun on stage, it shows. And Hairspray is going to be an awesome, fun show, right?!

On another note, anyone who has not yet filled out Points Forms for working events for our last show, You Can't Take It With You, you may do so by clicking the button at the top of this page, "Points Forms." If you see a drama club sandwich board around town, please pick it up and drop it off at the school. If you can't get to the school that day, either keep it with you until you can drop it off at the school, or leave it there until a more opportune date.

Finally, the rehearsal schedule for Hairspray will be posted by the end of this week, so be sure to tell your parents that they can come to to keep up with when and where you'll need to be for the next few months. (Very handy, for those of us who still rely on our loving parents for after-school transportation.)

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