Monday, March 14, 2011
Final Rehearsals For Hairspray
Congratulations on a spectacular opening weekend!! But you know me, there is work to still be done to ensure that we deliver equally (if not better) shows this weekend :). That said -- here is the schedule below.
Please note that these are serious rehearsals -- no fooling or joking around. You'd be surprised how much you might not remember even after only a few days. Plus, we will use these rehearsals to put Josh and Christian in as Spritzer and IQ for the Friday 3/18 performance (Scott Cope has a college audition that day, but will be back for closing night), so we owe it to them as a cast and crew to make sure they have a rehearsal that is as close to performance level as possible.
We have received incredible feedback on the show -- we got there because of the dedication and hard work necessary. Let's keep it up this week so we really go out on top!! Thanks.
Thursday 3/17 1 -2pm
Speedthrough of scenes for :Tracy, Link, Edna, Wilbur, Penny, Seaweed, Velma, Amber, Prudy, Spritzer (Josh) IQ, (Christian), Corny Collins, Motormouth, Little Inez, Seaweed's entourage (MEN ONLY NO BEATNIKS) Holly as the matron, Dynamites and Council Members in ROLL
CALL. 4:00-7:00pm Full rehearsal for all cast, pit and crew. (No costumes, hair or makeup for this rehearsal). Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Rehearsal Production Week
Please keep up the the great work and do not lose the wonderful momentum we created on Saturday. Now, more than ever, it is critical to the success of the show for you all to be on time, be quiet, stay focused and perform full out. It is the only way we will know what shape the show is in for opening night. Please respect and take care of your wigs, costumes, make up and props. When you arrive please get ready as quickly as you can. Mike check must begin by 4pm!!!!
1. Put your undergarments & robe on
2. Wig cap/make-up
3. Mikes if you get one
4. Wigs
5. Costumes
If you need to go out of order and are in costume -- please wear your robe or capes that Ms. Scozato is providing over your costume while you finish getting ready. Please get ready as quickly as possible -- we need to start by 4pm --
Monday 3/7 -- Dress Rehearsal -- 2:30 pm cast & crew call with 5pm start. full hair makeup & wardrobe
Tuesday 3/8 -- Cleanup rehearsal -- 2:30 pm cast & crew call with 5pm start .
Wed 3/9 -- Dress Rehearsal -- 2:30 pm cast & crew call with 5pm start. full hair makeup & wardrobe
Thursday 3/10 -- Final dress -- 2:30 PM full hair makeup & wardrobe
Friday 3/11 opening night 4 pm cast & crew call with 7pm start
Sat 3/12 -- 11am cast & crew call for 1pm show followed by 5pm call for 7pm show.
call time for following week to be provided by the end of this week. The longer you take to get ready, the earlier the call time will be --
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Odds and Ends
Everyone will need to bring the following:
Wipes: Ponds makeup remover is the best… baby wipes are for baby bottoms
Towel: After using the Ponds wipes, you need to rinse your face…
They have “soap” on them.
Girls: You must bring your own black mascara
All girls (AND EDNA) need to bring fake eyelashes AND glue.
On March 3rd, you will be provided with an applicator for the base makeup… it is your responsibility to keep this with your makeup supplies and bring it to all rehearsals the week of March 7th through the end of the performances. Replacement cost will be $5.00 if you do not bring the applicator with you or if you lose it.
Please note that street makeup is not feasible for a stage your size. Theatre makeup will be provided.
Bring these items in some kind of a bag/container with your name on it.
Take care of your skin. This means washing your face after every rehearsal/performance and using a moisturizer. The combination of the lights, makeup and sweat is the perfect breeding ground for acne… You can avoid this by being sure to wash after the performance and moisturize your skin (this includes boys!).
If you have any questions/concerns, please email Ms. Jenn at or Kinga at
PINBACK BUTTONS are available if you come to talk to me -- Matt and I can answer any questions about buttons :)