Monday, March 14, 2011

Final Rehearsals For Hairspray

Hello my beloved Team Harispary cast & crew!

Congratulations on a spectacular opening weekend!! But you know me, there is work to still be done to ensure that we deliver equally (if not better) shows this weekend :). That said -- here is the schedule below.

Please note that these are serious rehearsals -- no fooling or joking around. You'd be surprised how much you might not remember even after only a few days. Plus, we will use these rehearsals to put Josh and Christian in as Spritzer and IQ for the Friday 3/18 performance (Scott Cope has a college audition that day, but will be back for closing night), so we owe it to them as a cast and crew to make sure they have a rehearsal that is as close to performance level as possible.

We have received incredible feedback on the show -- we got there because of the dedication and hard work necessary. Let's keep it up this week so we really go out on top!! Thanks.

Thursday 3/17 1 -2pm

Speedthrough of scenes for :Tracy, Link, Edna, Wilbur, Penny, Seaweed, Velma, Amber, Prudy, Spritzer (Josh) IQ, (Christian), Corny Collins, Motormouth, Little Inez, Seaweed's entourage (MEN ONLY NO BEATNIKS) Holly as the matron, Dynamites and Council Members in ROLL

CALL. 4:00-7:00pm Full rehearsal for all cast, pit and crew. (No costumes, hair or makeup for this rehearsal). Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

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