Monday, February 28, 2011


If you have not been fitted you must do so now!
There will be a fitting on Thursday and you must sign a paper at rehearsal this week to let us know who is to be released early from rehearsal in order to get a costume!

Following the fittings on Thursday will be the Costume Parade on Friday. This will be added on to the already scheduled rehearsal so expect practice to get out around 7 or later. Thanks!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rehearsal Feb. 12


Monday 2/28

2:15 PM - 5pm: Wig fittings for all principals: Tracy, Edna, Velma, Amber, Penny (who may not have a wig, but needs help with her hair), Prudy, Motormouth Maybelle, Dynamites. Call is 2:15pm. Edna must go first.

2:45-4:30 PM Wilbur & Edna alone for Timeless to Me & scene workwill

5:pm cast & crew call for a prompt 5:30 start. Dry tech run . ACT 1 ...Cast & Crew should be prepared to go past 9pm if necessary (but no later than 10 pm)


Wed 3/ 2 : 2:30 - 9pm -- Tech with orchestra

2:30-4:30 -- Possible call for some small group cleanup if kids available. (Except Madrigals)

5:00 - 9:00 pm Cast & Crew call.

Thursday 3/3 2:30 - 6:00. Tech with wardrobe, hair & make up. Call is 2:30 pm for cast. We will do a costume parade at this rehearsal in addition to tech. Please note -- we need to be out of auditorium by 6pm.

Friday 3/4 2:30 -6:00 Costume Parade & Full rehearsal with orchestra - due to the costume parade rehearsal should end around 7 or later.

Saturday 3/5 10a-4p. Clean up & review -- fix troubled spots, etc. Pizza will be served to the cast & crew from 12:30 to 1pm. Leaving the building during lunch is not allowed.

Sunday 3/6 8 am to 10 pm -- RESERVED FOR TECH

Monday 3/7 -- Dress Rehearsal -- 3pm cast & crew call with 5pm start

Tuesday 3/8 -- Dress/Cleanup rehearsal -- 3pm cast & crew call with 5pm start

Wed 3/9 -- Dress Rehearsal -- 3pm cast & crew call with 5pm start

Thursday 3/10 -- Final dress -- full hair makeup & wardrobe

Friday 3/11 4 pm cast & crew call with 7pm start

Sat 3/12 -- 11am cast & crew call for 1pm show followed by 5pm call for 7pm show.



Friday 3/18 & sAT 3/19 5 pm cast & crew call with 7pm show

Thursday, February 24, 2011



Please let everyone know that still needs to be fitted for their costume that they MUST reserve a specific time on Thursday (TODAY) between 5:30 and 9:00 p.m. and Friday (TOMORROW) between 9 a.m. and noon. Again, only 3 people every half hour. They should call TODAY until 10 p.m. to let me know when they are hoping to come. 860-416-2896

Monday, February 21, 2011

Vacation Schedule

Here is schedule for this week. Thanks in advance for your participation and cooperation. PLEASE BRING YOUR SCRIPTS. Where you see EXCEPT CHORUS, that means you are needed at rehearsal --you know who you are!!!! When you see FULL CAST -- it meanes EVERYONE IN SHOW INCLUDING FLASHER.

Thanks!! We have a lot to finish so please be there (unless you have already let us know about conflicts).

1. Tuesday 2/22 5pm-9pm-- Full cast EXCEPT CHORUS & Flasher.

Dance review clean up & blocking of scenes for featured dancers, featured singers council members, leads and all speaking parts

2. Wednesday 2/23, 5-9 Full Cast EXCEPT CHORUS

Dance review clean up & blocking of scenes for featured dancers, featured singers council members, leads and all speaking parts

3. Thursday 2/24, 1-5 Full Cast EXCEPT CHORUS

Dance review clean up & blocking of scenes for featured dancers, featured singers council members, leads and all speaking parts. RUN THROUGH OF ACT 2

4. Full CAST rehearsal for all- Friday 2/25, 1-5


5. Full CAST rehearsal for all- Saturday 2/26, 10-2

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Feb. Updates

Everyone please check your email for an email from Dr. Nash regarding the song "The Madison"

The rehearsal schedule for Sat 2/19 (as in tomorrow) will be as follows:

10 am-12pm -- FULL CAST called. We will run Good Morning Baltimore, Big Doll House & You Can't Stop the Beat.

12:-12:30 Lunch break

12:30- 4pm. ENTIRE CAST EXCEPT CHORUS. We will be working on several different things at once, and will use the entire time, so please plan accordingly. Bring snacks, study lines, homework, etc.

Sunday 2/20

Big Doll House -- Featured Dancers only. Time TBD

Rehearsal for vacation will be more specific soon! We will keep you posted!

for now it looks like....

Dance review for featured dancers, featured singers and leads- Tuesday 2/22, 5-9

Scenework with leads- Wednesday 2/23, 5-9

Rehearsal for all other than Chorus and Featured Chorus- Thursday 2/24, 1-5

Full rehearsal for all- Friday 2/25, 1-5

Full rehearsal for all- Saturday 2/26, 10-2

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Show Must Go On!

Hey everyone!

If you have been unable to attend a rehearsal, you must get a friend to catch you up ASAP.
Learn your lines, learn your lyrics, learn your music, and learn your dances.
No excuses anymore.
After February break, every single rehearsal is ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY.
NO leaving early, and NO arriving late.
Arrange rides ahead of time, and try to reschedule any conflicts you may have. If you do not attend a rehearsal, rehearsal will not stop for you. We will not "hold your place" and we may need to rearrange who performs in which numbers if you are not present. Don't give us that chance.

That being said, please show up to rehearsals on time, full of energy, well-fed, and with proper footwear. Keep up the positive energy, everyone! We will make this a fabulous show.

Monday, February 14, 2011

More Rehearsal

Monday 2/14-- 2:30-5:30 -- FULL CAST run through Act 1.

Tuesday 2/15
1. 2:30-5:30 -Scenework for the following parts:Corny, Spritzer, Amber, Velma, Edna, Tracy, Penny, Amber, Seaweed, Wilbur & Motormouth. We will meet in the auditorium and work in the back area while crew is painting.
2. 5:30-7:30: ON STAGE Welcome to the Sixties (Mr. Pinky, Dynamites, Edna Tracy, Featured Singers (MALE & FEMALE in the number) & Featured Dancers
3. 7:30-9:00 Nicest Kids in Town (Act 1 & Reprise)

Wednesday 2/16 NO STAGE TODAY -- MUST WORK in CAF or FDR -- Final location to be determined.
1. 2:30-4 -- Big Blonde & Beautiful: MotorMouth, Tracy, Edna, Wilbur, Little Inez, Dynamites, Seaweed, Penny, Beatniks, Seaweed Entourage
2. 4:00- 4:30 Review Welcome the the Sixties
3. 4:30-5:30 -- Run & Tell That (Seaweed, Dynamites, Entourage & Beatniks only)
4. 5:30-9:00 Big Doll House (Female featured dancers, singers & all female chorus members ONLY)

Thursday 2/17 ON STAGE
1. 2:30-4:00 -- I Can Hear the Bells (Council Members , Tracy, Link, Penny,Velma, Featured Singers, Edna, Wilbur
2. 4:00 -5:30 -- Baltimore Crabs/Velma's revenge (Sames as avove EXCEPT no Edna or Wilbur)
3. 5:30-7:30 -- Big Blonde & Beautiful MotorMouth, Tracy, Edna, Wilbur, Little Inez, Dynamites, Seaweed, Penny, Beatniks, Seaweed Entourage
4. 7:30- 9:00 Welcome to the Sixties (Mr. Pinky, Dynamites, Edna Tracy, Featured Singers (MALE & FEMALE in the number) & Featured Dancers

Friday 2/18 --2:30 -5:30 -- RUN ACT ONE WIth Band & Tech Crew.

Saturday 2/19THERE WILL BE A REHEARSAL -- Schedule TBD based on how Mon-Friday rehearsals go

Sunday 2/20Big Doll House -- Featured Dancers only. Time TBD

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Monday Feb. 13th

Rehearsal will be for the full cast at 2:30 to run what we have thus far from top of act 1 including scenes. After we finish Baltimore, the chorus can leave -- but I may want to spend some time on finishing it -- so they should plan to stay until 3:30. Thanks. Remainder of week to follow in email later this evening or early in the morning. Thanks.

Feb. Break Rehearsals for now

A more specific schedule may follow, but for now, here is what you need to know…

Dance review for featured dancers, featured singers and leads- Tuesday 2/22, 5-9

Scenework with leads- Wednesday 2/23, 5-9

Rehearsal for all other than Chorus and Featured Chorus- Thursday 2/24, 1-5

Full rehearsal for all- Friday 2/25, 1-5

Full rehearsal for all- Saturday 2/26, 10-2

Friday, February 11, 2011

Rehearsal Feb. 12

Sat 2/12 --
1. 12 -2pm Full Cast -- Good Morning Baltimore & You Can't Stop the Beat

2. 2-2:30 Lunch break

3. 2:30 - 3:30 - Add featured singers, dancers & council members to I Can Hear the Bells. (Includes Velma, Penny, Tracy, Link, Edna, Wilbur)

4. 2:30-4 -- Review rehearsal with Lynn for Run & Tell That (Entourage & Beatniks) & Welcome to the Sixties (Dynamites)

5. 3:30 -5 Baltimore Crabs (Need everyone listed above in I Can Hear the Bells

Sun 2/13 --

Costume Fittings At 46 ridgeway street in newington ct

As of the end of the day Katie had two slots open for 1:30 and 3:30, one slot at 4 and three slots open at 4:30, 5:30 and 6. Leads especially need to sign up! Next Sunday is almost completely open! Please email her at if you can make any of these times. Chorus members do not need to have a fitting.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Updated Schedule

Please note that the rehearsal schedule for this week has been REVISED as follows:

Wednesday 2/9/11 -- NO rehearsal for cast. Production meeting only 2:30-5:30 in auditorium

Thursday 2/10/11 Rehearsal ADDED TO as follows:

1. 2:30-5:30 -- Scenework (Velma, Penny, Tracy, Link, Edna, Wilbur) -- in auditorium

2. 2:30-3:30 -- Run & Tell That (location TBD) -- EVERYONE IN NUMBER EXCEPT Penny, Tracy & Link

3. 3:30-4:30 -- Hairspray (the song) (Location TBD) EVERYONE IN NUMBER EXCEPT Link

4. 5:30 - 7-- I Can Hear the Bells -- auditorium (Velma, Penny, Tracy, Link, Edna, Wilbur)

Friday 2/11
1. 2:30-5 Good Morning Baltimore -- full cast

Sat 2/12 --
1. 12 -2pm Full Cast -- Good Morning Baltimore & You Can't Stop the Beat

2. 2-2:30 Lunch break

3. 2:30 - 3:30 - Add featured singers, dancers & council members to I Can Hear the Bells. (Includes Velma, Penny, Tracy, Link, Edna, Wilbur)

4. 2:30-4 -- Review rehearsal with Lynn for Run & Tell That (Entourage & Beatniks) & Welcome to the Sixties (Dynamites)

5. 3:30 -5 Baltimore Crabs (Need everyone listed above in I Can Hear the Bells


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Please remember to get your ads in!

Monday 2/7/11 2:30-4:45 Same people as Friday 2/4/11 Music rehearsal for Tracy, Penny, Link, Seaweed, Motormouth, Little Inez, Edna, Wilbur, Spritzer, Prudy, Velma, Amber, Corny, Featured Singers, Seaweed's Entourage, Dynamites, Featured Dancers.

*As always, please notify Ms.Harris, Mr.Merisotis, Laura Cryan, and Dr.Nash (for music rehearsals) if you'll be late, leaving early, or missing for any reason

Tuesday afternoon 2/8 :
1. 2:15 -4pm. Scenework & Timeless To Me (Tracy, Edna Wilbur only). Location: TBD
2. 4p-5:30 -- Prodo meeting with Chris & Tony in auditoriumTuesday evening-- in Auditorium
3. 5:30 - 7 -- The Madison (Tracy, Seaweed, Link, Corny, Council Members, Featured Dancers (male & female) Amber, Link, Seaweed's entourage, Beatniks, Little Inez, Dynamites)
4. 7-7:30 -- Run & Tell That (everyone in number)
5. 7:30- 9 -- Nicest Kids reprise (everyone in Nicest Kids plus Tracy)

Wed 2/9 --
1. 2:30-5:00 -- Scenework (Tracy, Penny, Prudy, Edna, Velma, Amber, Corny, Link, Wilbur)
2. 5:00-5:30 -- Mama I'm a Big Girl (Tracy, Penny, Prudy, Edna, Velma, Amber)

Thurs 2/10 --
1. 2:30-5:30 -- Scenework (Velma, Penny, Tracy, Link, Edna, Wilbur)
2. 5:30 - 7-- I Can Hear the Bells (Velma, Penny, Tracy, Link, Edna, Wilbur)

Friday 2/11
1. 2:30-5 Good Morning Baltimore -- full cast

Sat 2/12 --
1. 12 -2pm Full Cast -- Good Morning Baltimore & You Can't Stop the Beat
2. 2-2:30 Lunch break
3. 2:30 - 3:30 - Add featured singers, dancers & council members to I Can Hear the Bells. (Includes Velma, Penny, Tracy, Link, Edna, Wilbur)
4. 3:30 -5 Baltimore Crabs (Need everyone listed above in I Can Hear the Bells

Monday 2/14 -- hope to run everything we have worked on from top of show...more to follow later in the week

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sat. Feb 5th

Hi Gang -
Rehearsal is ON for this morning at 10:00. We will definately go until noon and will keep our eye on the weather from that point on, but it does sound like all will turn to rain and just be a mess to deal with. If there is some reason why you can't make it today, please let someone else who will be there know, that so we can be sure all are accounted for. We ask that you use your own discretion in attending this rehearsal, since safety is our first concern. Also, I'm hoping that I have sent it to everyone's email address - - for those of you with access to the facebook page and other methods of communication between the cast members, please post!!
See you all at 10:00!! Please take your time and drive safely.

For Saturday 2/5/11 (Pending weather)
1. 10-11 You Can't Stop The Beat -- Full Cast
2. 11-11:30: Run & Tell That.
3. 11-11:30 --Wardrobe/Shoe fittings for everyone NOT in Run & Tell That
4. 11:30-12:30 -- Welcome to the 60s.
5. Wardrobe/Shoe fittings for everyone NOT in Welcome the the 60s
6. 12:30 to 2pm --- Nicest Kids in Town & Hairspray (the song).
7. Wardrobe/Shoe fittings for everyone NOT in Nicest Kids in Town & Hairspray (the song).