Monday, February 21, 2011

Vacation Schedule

Here is schedule for this week. Thanks in advance for your participation and cooperation. PLEASE BRING YOUR SCRIPTS. Where you see EXCEPT CHORUS, that means you are needed at rehearsal --you know who you are!!!! When you see FULL CAST -- it meanes EVERYONE IN SHOW INCLUDING FLASHER.

Thanks!! We have a lot to finish so please be there (unless you have already let us know about conflicts).

1. Tuesday 2/22 5pm-9pm-- Full cast EXCEPT CHORUS & Flasher.

Dance review clean up & blocking of scenes for featured dancers, featured singers council members, leads and all speaking parts

2. Wednesday 2/23, 5-9 Full Cast EXCEPT CHORUS

Dance review clean up & blocking of scenes for featured dancers, featured singers council members, leads and all speaking parts

3. Thursday 2/24, 1-5 Full Cast EXCEPT CHORUS

Dance review clean up & blocking of scenes for featured dancers, featured singers council members, leads and all speaking parts. RUN THROUGH OF ACT 2

4. Full CAST rehearsal for all- Friday 2/25, 1-5


5. Full CAST rehearsal for all- Saturday 2/26, 10-2

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