Monday, February 14, 2011

More Rehearsal

Monday 2/14-- 2:30-5:30 -- FULL CAST run through Act 1.

Tuesday 2/15
1. 2:30-5:30 -Scenework for the following parts:Corny, Spritzer, Amber, Velma, Edna, Tracy, Penny, Amber, Seaweed, Wilbur & Motormouth. We will meet in the auditorium and work in the back area while crew is painting.
2. 5:30-7:30: ON STAGE Welcome to the Sixties (Mr. Pinky, Dynamites, Edna Tracy, Featured Singers (MALE & FEMALE in the number) & Featured Dancers
3. 7:30-9:00 Nicest Kids in Town (Act 1 & Reprise)

Wednesday 2/16 NO STAGE TODAY -- MUST WORK in CAF or FDR -- Final location to be determined.
1. 2:30-4 -- Big Blonde & Beautiful: MotorMouth, Tracy, Edna, Wilbur, Little Inez, Dynamites, Seaweed, Penny, Beatniks, Seaweed Entourage
2. 4:00- 4:30 Review Welcome the the Sixties
3. 4:30-5:30 -- Run & Tell That (Seaweed, Dynamites, Entourage & Beatniks only)
4. 5:30-9:00 Big Doll House (Female featured dancers, singers & all female chorus members ONLY)

Thursday 2/17 ON STAGE
1. 2:30-4:00 -- I Can Hear the Bells (Council Members , Tracy, Link, Penny,Velma, Featured Singers, Edna, Wilbur
2. 4:00 -5:30 -- Baltimore Crabs/Velma's revenge (Sames as avove EXCEPT no Edna or Wilbur)
3. 5:30-7:30 -- Big Blonde & Beautiful MotorMouth, Tracy, Edna, Wilbur, Little Inez, Dynamites, Seaweed, Penny, Beatniks, Seaweed Entourage
4. 7:30- 9:00 Welcome to the Sixties (Mr. Pinky, Dynamites, Edna Tracy, Featured Singers (MALE & FEMALE in the number) & Featured Dancers

Friday 2/18 --2:30 -5:30 -- RUN ACT ONE WIth Band & Tech Crew.

Saturday 2/19THERE WILL BE A REHEARSAL -- Schedule TBD based on how Mon-Friday rehearsals go

Sunday 2/20Big Doll House -- Featured Dancers only. Time TBD

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