Saturday, January 15, 2011

Attendance Issues

Please also note that the rehearsal schedule for this week has been updated (see post below)

Hey everyone,

First of all, I'd like to take a moment to thank all of you who have been so consistent in attending rehearsals when you are called. *Gold star*

Those of you who had Eastern Region on Friday, it is okay, your absences have been excused, marked as "Field Trip."

Any absences about which Ms. Harris and Dr. Nash are already aware are excused unless we run into bigger problems later down the line.

However, there are many of you who feel you are excused if you aren't able to get a ride to or from rehearsal. The biggest example of this is that people frequently leave early from rehearsal in order to catch the Activity Bus... and in the case of this past Friday, some people don't come at all if there is no Activity Bus.

You are encouraged to talk to your friends at rehearsal and organize carpools if you do not think you will be able to get a ride to or from rehearsal.

  • If you are called until a certain time at rehearsal, you are expected to stay until that time.
  • Leaving early to catch the Activity Bus counts as an unexcused leave.
  • And, missing rehearsal because you aren't able to get a ride counts as an unexcused absence.

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