Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Rehearsal Schedule for Week of Jan. 10th

Here is the rehearsal schedule for the remainder of this week and Tuesday of next week. The rest of next week's schedule should be up by the end of today, so please keep checking back. People who are a part of "Group A" know who they are - the people in Nicest Kids in Town at Tuesday, Jan. 11th's rehearsal.

Thursday, Jan. 13th:

5:30-6:30- Nicest Kids in Town- "Group A": Council Members/Dancers
6:30-8:00- Nicest Kids in Town- Group A plus Featured Singers, Link, Corny
8:00-9:00- Mama I'm a Big Girl Now- Tracy/Edna; Velma/Amber; Penny/Prudy

Friday, Jan. 14th: (Music-only rehearsal)

2:30-3:00- Good Morning Baltimore- ALL
3:00-3:15- You Can’t Stop the Beat and other possible material- ALL
3:15-3:30- Big Dollhouse- All Women
3:30-3:50- Run and Tell That- Seaweed, Entourage, Dynamites
3:50-4:10- Male Featured Dancers, Corny, Spritzer, Link, Seaweed, Entourage men
4:10-4:30- Welcome to the 60’s- Pinky, Dynamites, Male Featured Dancers, Featured Singers, Tracy, Edna
4:30-5:00- I Know Where I've Been- Seaweed's Entourage, Motormouth, Featured Singers, Tracy, Link, Penny, Seaweed, Dynamites

Monday - No school, no rehearsal; MLK Day

Tuesday, Jan. 18th:

5:30-6:15- You Can't Stop the Beat- Full Cast
6:15-7:15- Nicest Kids in Town- Council Members/Dancers, Featured Singers, Link, Corny
7:15-9:00- Mama I'm a Big Girl Now- Tracy/Edna; Velma/Amber; Penny/Prudy; Featured Singers

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