Friday, January 7, 2011

Music Rehearsals Jan. 7th and Jan. 14th

Regarding Hairspray music rehearsals:

1) There is no rehearsal today (Friday, January 7th, 2011) If there is anyone who happens to be around at 12:30 and wants to work on solo material, I will still be around for a while… however, there is no formal rehearsal today.

2) Monday’s schedule will remain the same. It is as follows:
2:30- Hairspray- Corny, Featured Singers, Featured Dancers
3:00- Nicest Kids in Town- Corny, Featured Singers, Featured Dancers, Tracy, Penny, Edna Wilbur, Prudy
3:15- It Takes Two- Link, Tracy, Male Featured Dancers, Spritzer, Corny
3:40-4:45- Featured Singers, Tracy, Penny, Prudy, Velma, Amber, Edna, Featured Singers- Without Love, I Can Hear the Bells, Mama I’m a Big Girl Now, other harmony work

3) NEXT Friday, 1/14, we will do the material originally slated for today. The FULL CAST should plan to be there at least until 3:45. The schedule for next Friday may change slightly, but it will be something like…

2:30-3:00- Good Morning Baltimore- ALL
3:00-3:30- You Can’t Stop the Beat and other possible material- ALL
3:30-3:45 Big Dollhouse- All Women
3:45-4:15- Run and Tell That- Seaweed, Entourage, Dynamites
4:15-4:45- Pinky, Dynamites, Male Featured Dancers, Featured Singers, Tracy, Edna- Welcome to the 60’s

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